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Borehole Measurements

Log Digitising

We offer the full spectrum of log digitising and log editing services. We are able to make high quality scans of the endless standard paper log plots. For digitising we use NeuraLog software, which convert the paper plot or grafic files (JPG, TIF) to standard LAS files.

We use the software package IP (Integrated Petrophysics) for further well log editing services. We perform all necessary steps of log quality control and data editing. To name is here: curve splicing, curve shifts, depth-matching, depth conversions (TVD), quality checks, if necessary bitzise and environment corrrections, data homogenisations and full core-log-cutting integration. The result is a depth controlled and homogenised composite log, which can directly be used by the client for further applications. We deliver all data in standard LAS or LIS formats.

We gained several years of experience during research and commercial projects.

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