Since starting our business in 2003, we have been active in the digitization and processing of analogue logging data. We transfer your analog paper logs to digital formats and create edited and scored composite logs for you.
First, the analogue continuous plots are converted into digital image formats with the aid of a professional scanner specially developed for paper logs. For each paper plot, a coherent image file is generated, which forms the basis for further digitization.
The digitization of the individual log curves is carried out with the help of a professional program that specializes in the features of log digitization. The digitized curves including the header information are exported as a LAS file.
All further work, such as editing and merging of individual runs into composite logs, is carried out in a professional log evaluation program (IP). This includes the complete sequence of data editing and further quality control. Workings steps are merging and splicing of curves, performing trend corrections, and adjusting the correct depth of various runs. Upon request, further environmental corrections, data homogenizations and the depth fitting of core data can be made.
Graphical representations of the final composite logs can be generated at any scale and made available in image formats according to customer requirements (TIF, JPG, GIF). Reports and inventories are also part of our offer, as well as further interpretations of the data obtained.